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Hair Loss Treatment

If you suddenly notice patchy areas or the amount of hair strands on your hairbrush is much more abundant than normal, you should see a specialist. Your doctor will explore the situation and diagnose any conditions that may be present as well as recommend ways to deal with it. It’s also important to identify any underlying medical condition that might require treatment. Avoid any type of hair loss that may be preventable.

How does hair loss generally appear?

It is normal to lose between 50 and 100 hairs every day. Although it happens regularly, it is not something noticeable because new hair strands keep growing while others fall. It is not until the hair that is lost is not replaced by a new one that hair loss starts to be perceptible.

Hair loss presents itself in different ways depending on the cause. Also, it can happen slowly or suddenly and can affect just the hair on your head or in your entire body. You may have noticed hair loss in any of these ways:

A Steady Thinning That Starts on the Top of Your Head
As the most common hair loss, this type affects people as they age. While women generally have a broadening of the part in their hair, in men it starts with their hairline at the forehead beginning to recede.

Patchy Bald Spots
In these cases, the hair loss looks like circles of bald areas that may also appear in the beard or eyebrows.

Spontaneous Loosening of Hair
Due to having experienced an emotional or physical shock, hair may come out when combed or washed or even while gently tugging at it. This type of hair loss tends to be temporary.

Hair Loss Throughout the Body
Medical conditions and treatments, such as when people undergo chemotherapy as part of their cancer treatment have the effect of ridding the body completely of hair. This type of hair loss is also temporary.

Scaling Patches on the Scalp
A sure sign of ringworm, this type of hair loss is in many cases accompanied by redness, swelling, oozing, and broken hair.

If you suddenly notice patchy areas or the amount of hair strands on your hairbrush is much more abundant than normal, you should see a specialist. Your doctor will explore the situation and diagnose any conditions that may be present as well as recommend ways to deal with it. It’s also important to identify any underlying medical condition that might require treatment.

Are there any risk factors that increase your chances of suffering from hair loss?

Some factors may increase your risk of experiencing hair loss. Among them:

  • Losing a significant amount of weight
  • Suffering from stress
  • Poor nutrition and eating habits
  • Certain medical ailments such as lupus or diabetes
  • Certain conditions such as ringworm, thyroid disease, or alopecia areata
  • A family history of hair loss, whether on your mother’s or father’s side
  • The aging process

Is There Anything You Can Do To Prevent Hair Loss?

Avoid any type of hair loss that may be preventable. Here are some specific things you can do:

Take Good and Gentle Care of Your Hair Treat your hair as if it something valuable and irreplaceable. If needed, apply a detangler. Avoid tugging at it when it is wet. Gently comb your hair with a wide-toothed comb while wet.

Get Feedback on Your Medications and Supplements Ask your medical professional if any medications or supplements you are taking have an adverse effect on your hair and if there is anything you can do to counteract it.

Treat Your Hair as You Do Your Skin The sun and other sources of ultraviolet light will damage your hair. Stay away from them or wear a hat to avoid direct exposure.

Do Not Smoke Some studies have revealed a direct link between smoking and baldness, particularly in men. Stop smoking and, if you do not smoke, don’t start.

Chemotherapy If you are receiving chemotherapy, you understand how important it is to follow your treatment. However, you also want to continue living your daily life as fully as possible. Ask your doctor about using a cooling cap which can reduce the risk of losing your hair while undergoing chemotherapy treatments.

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DISCLAIMER: This website is an educational service that provides general health and wellness information only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any health related condition. Please always consult a physician regarding your health before starting any health or diet program. No medical treatment can guarantee results. Results vary from patient to patient. We encourage you to do your own research, ask questions, and review board certifications and testimonials on any similar websites describing similar therapies. Statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information contained herein is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

*No medical treatment can guarantee results. Results vary from patient to patient, every patient is a unique individual

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