The benefits of drinking celery juice every day, tips from one of the best treatments of weight loss near Aventura.
Celery has only 20 calories. Celery is 95% water and 5% nutrients bringing significant benefits to your health and body. As we said before the 16th century, celery was used as medicine, not as a food.
In continents like Africa and Asia; this vegetable has a very interesting compound called 3n Butyl Phthalates. Phytonutrient relaxes the muscles, helps lower your blood pressure and helps with asthma and bronchitis. It can also help to vasodilate the arteries because it brings more oxygen and blood to your heart.
Compare blood pressure medications with a celery juice every day and you will notice the difference, this medicine makes you end up feeling weary, tired, and in some cases very forgetful, you don’t need these side effects. Celery has a big impact on cortisol, so if cortisol is lowered, you’re going to feel calmer and less anxious; that’s a good reason to take this drink after dinner for better sleep.
My last advice is to try to eat organic celery to avoid pesticides in your body. If you don’t like salads, you can replace them with 4,5 or 6 celery sticks with a little bit of peanut butter.
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